What to Know Before Undergoing Gynecomastia

It is becoming more and more common to hear about gynecomastia, a common problem that consists of the abnormal development of the mammary gland in men. In some men, this condition involves a complex when it comes to showing the torso and a limitation when it comes to dressing.

The tissue that causes the increase in volume can be of the breast type (denser and usually located behind the areola), of the fatty type (softer), or both. The most common is fatty tissue, it is what is called pseudogynecomastia. In this text, as is often done, we will use the term gynecomastia in a general way to an increase in volume in the subcutaneous tissue of the breast.

Among the causes that cause it, gynecomastia may be related to drug treatments or endocrine disorders, affecting one or both breasts. During puberty, hormonal changes can cause the growth of male breast tissue. In most cases, this circumstance diminishes or disappears in adulthood upon completion of bodily development. When gynecomastia regression does not occur, is insufficient, or causes psychological distress, surgical treatment is recommended.


It is important that the surgeon perform a physical examination to determine if this pathology is suffered and the possible causes. Sometimes it may be advisable to perform a mammogram and biopsy to rule out any suspicion of breast cancer and analyze the composition of the breast (fat and glandular tissue).


There are several procedures for the correction of gynecomastia, depending on the volume and type of tissue present in the breast. As we mentioned previously, in most patients there is a predominance of adipose tissue, and it is usually associated with obesity or overweight; This is what is called pseudogynecomastia or false gynecomastia. It may be advisable to lose weight before considering the possibility of surgery.

In these cases, the intervention consists of small liposuction, performed with specific equipment for gynecomastia, through small incisions (about 3 to 4 millimeters) in the area to be treated that over time become imperceptible.

The less common causes are those that present growth of the mammary glandular tissue, which is denser and cannot be removed by liposuction. In this case, an incision is made in the lower edge of the areola, through which the tissue can be accessed and extracted.

Both surgeries can be performed using a combination of local anesthesia and sedation, and hospital admission is not necessary. The patient must wear a compression girdle in the area during the first weeks. The stitches are removed after 7 to 8 days. You can perform mild physical activity after 24 hours and moderate efforts after a week, so the period of absence is minimal.

Chest gynecomastia surgery for men’s is the only truly male-specific cosmetic surgery in which the goal is to restore a natural-looking, masculine-looking chest contour.

The results of this surgery are permanent. However, it should be noted that the use of certain medications could cause a mild recurrence. From our Chase Plastic Surgery, we recommend visiting a professional to study your case before making any decision.

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